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We Make Online Worship Better


Your church members love the online video of your service...

They like the text for the readings and the Gospel...

And the responses and prayers...

And the music and lyrics...


But having all those worship materials for each service creates new presentation problems:

  • Items are competing for space next to the main video. 
  • Members open the readings pdf but it covers up the bulletin or Order of Service. 
  • The video slides off the screen when they try to read the text below it.

Churches are providing great resources for worshipping at home. 

We just need to present it so much better!



Worship Window

The Worship Window is a formatted presentation of your worship service video and its related resources. It gives the users buttons to move the readings and song lyrics into view, and it presents the worship materials in sequence coordinated with the order of worship.  It facilitates and encourages more active participation in the worship experience while at home by,

  • Eliminating the confusion of members having to manage multiple tabs open at the same time.
  • Automatically resizing your video recordings to fit all the different screen sizes of your members.
  • Putting the video and the readings on the same page close enough to be seen​ at the same time so you can read along.
  • Attractively presenting all the other worship resources on the same page. 
  • Making it easy to add mp3 songs, readings and sermons without coding or a streaming service.
  • Making it easy to add videos that are responsive to screen size without coding.



  • Can include multiple links to PDF's, videos, sound files, external links, song lyrics, readings, and more.
  • Can ask questions to their congregation and receive responses
  • Can use this to provide the readings and the songs to members as they come back to the pew without handling the hymnal.

Church Members

  • Experience a great worship service without problems.

  • Maintain their church friendships by leaving notes to each other.
  • Answer questions from the pastor.
  • Stay connected with their church and not left behind.

While supporting my church website clients through weeks of online worship services prompted by the Stay-At-Home order, I have religiously pursued the best way to present the worship video and bulletin along with all the supporting song lyrics, sheet music, readings and responses in a pleasing manner and without any overlap.  

I've developed a presentation model called the Worship Window that works wonderfully. It is easy to manage and congregations love it. 

We are all supporting the Church. I would love to see your church members benefit from the Worship Window too.

Mark Buelsing, website designer and hoster for churches and schools since 1992



Perfect! I am doing a happy dance. Thanks.

As always, very grateful for your work.
We had a Zoom fellowship event with some of GSLC folks on Saturday night who loved the new format. Even if they went to one service, they were also looking at the others.


I really like it. Nice clean uniform look. I am really excited to give it a go. 

I like that the latest mass is first and you do not have to specify.  I also like be be able to schedule.  Nice addition to the page.

Thanks Mark...I love it.  Fewer steps and cleaner, clear page. 


Excited by the possibilities!
Again I say, it's pretty awesome!  
Thank you for your responsiveness!
Thanks Mark!  What a great tool!


Thank you for all the preparation and work to provide a very meaningful virtual worship. 

I have an I-pad to watch the service with and I found this presentation much easier To use.  Thank you.

The formats have all been worshipful, but todays was even more so. Now we look forward with excitement to next week's worship.
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